
Богопознанието чрез молитвата в богословието на архимандрит Софроний (Сахаров)

Димитър Златев

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In the theology of fr. Sophrony (Sakharov), the pray is basic method, as well to the godknowledge, as to the humanknowledge, in eschatological perspective. In the theology of fr. Sophrony (Sakharov) praying communion with God can’t be express like intellectual practice, which becomes to separating of human whole. The pray can’t be seen like strictly reasonable knowledge, because the reason handle with laws of unpersonal formal logic, and by this it’s conceptions looks for the objective. By that way the God and the human could be transformed in theoretical principle, but not in alive hypostatic realities, known each other Face to face. The knowledge for God by pray, depends of the correct confession for Himself. First principle of fr. Sophrony (Sakharov) is dogmat about Trinity in which the monarchy of Father is warrant for unity of Godness. Second principle of fr. Sophrony (Sakharov) is the expiatory act of Christ. By this act the separating of hypostatic centers, mind and heart in human, is overcome. By this, way for godknowledge is open. The most close accessoriety of human and God is expressing in lityrgie pray by participating with Body and Blood of Christ. By that way human-hypostas actualiting his eternal purpose “to be”, by the image of his Creator.

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