
Възгледът за личността у архимандрит Софроний (Сахаров) и Николай Бердяев (езикови и тематични сходства и смислови разлики)

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he topic about person in philosophy of Nikolaj Berdyaev and theology of father Sophrony (Sakharov) is a base at exposing their anthropological theses. The parallel reading of their views about the person has got for purpose to show, as the thematic and language dependences in work of the father Sophrony from existentialism of Nikolaj Berdiaev, as and the sense differences between them. The comparative analysis shows that the bout authors put in their work, the build of doctrine about person over Christian fundament. They acknowledge the indeterminateness of this reality by rational thinking and logical laws, by this they put it in the aria of live itself. Berdyaev is trying to overbuild the dogmatic doctrine of Church, as distinct from him father Sophrony is trying to build in the understanding about the person in dogmatic and ascetic. Bout of them, in their contentions, are based on triadology and christology, admitting that if God wasn’t person then and human wouldn’t realized himself like person. In anthropological corollaries of their views Berdyaev and father Sophrony have got different purposes. It doesn’t mater that bought of them are thinking that human is a creature who has to realized himself from potentiality to complete actuality, that understanding about person is opposite and even impossible from understanding about individual, that human is realizing like person in relations whit other(human) and Other (God), at least their conclusions are different. For Berdyaev personality is morally and aksiology reality. It’s only one side in human, whose dualistic creature and has got two beginnings. At that way personality is the good side in human and it’s looking like a quality, characteristic, activity, creation, but never like human himself. For father Sophrony personality is created in the image of God and it’s looking like ontological principe, whose expressing human himself. As much as personality is not realized in completeness, then and in human is not realized in completeness, but human and person are one and the same thing. These contention are reaching bought authors at a conclusion, that human is duality creature. At Berdyaev this duality is result of the two beginnings in human, but at father Sophrony ontological beginning is one. 248 By duality he determined the synergy relation between created person and uncreated Person of God. By that way father Sophrony develop his chritian personology like doctrine showing the true about human creation „in the image of God” and the eschatological purpose of the created world „in the image” – to live „in similar” Live of God.

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