A Word of Praise for the 1898 Court Structure Act
New Bulgarian University – Sofia, Bulgaria
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/XYWS1947
The article presents the author’s views on the need for a substantial effort by the Bulgarian legal community to develop a mechanism for investigating the Prosecutor General, the President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court in the Republic of Bulgaria. It analyzes the content of the 1898 Court Structure Act which was drafted by Dr. Konstantin Stoilov, the then Prime Minister of the Principality of Bulgaria. The paper also highlights its advantages and commends the legislative approach used to guarantee the independence of the judiciary. Furthermore, it submits a proposal for introducing, in the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, a mechanism for holding the heads of the Prosecutor’s Office, the Supreme Court of Cassation, and the Supreme Administrative Court accountable in case of serious misconduct or systematic failure to perform their duties, as well as in the event of actions that undermine the prestige of the judiciary.
chief prosecutor; independence; judiciary; President of the Supreme Court of Cassation; President of the Supreme Administrative Court; court structure.
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