A Perspective on Imitating Spoken Language in Internet Communication
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/HVXA4777
The paper focuses on the deliberate use of distinctive colloquial elements in the written form of spoken language. The aim is to evoke humour or to express derisive, depreciating or even offensive attitude towards speakers. Phonetic and morphological features of spoken language, contrasting with standard language norms, are imitated most easily and frequently. There are cross-references to the spoken language of well-known individuals whose public speech stands out with memorable peculiarities and deviations – long commented and often quoted. The features of the spoken language of various groups of people are also imitated. These groups include speakers of a particular dialect or urban speech, ethnic communities, social groups and strata, such as peasants, workers, youths, nouveaux riches, officials, blondes, etc. Such imitations express attitude towards speakers, not towards spoken language itself. The conclusion is that imitating spoken language through writing is a distinctive feature of the written form of spoken colloquial language. There is a set of already conventional specific written symbols used to achieve maximum similarity to the authentic spoken language.
spoken language, written form of spoken language, imitation of spoken language, Internet communication
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