Semantic Formulae
“St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
The article gravitates around the assumption of examining literary studies in long-term historicity. Semioticized are universalizing cognitive syntheses on the basis of formulae – models and mental operations, applied to immensely broad cultural area by the Russian scholar of the XIXth century A. N. Vesselovsky. The poetic-semantic field of study is defined in the work of the cultural historian through stages of repetitiveness, areas of cultural memory and the existence of poetically common loci. At different time points of the scientific field, with different conceptualization, same-type questions are actualized and cognitive operations and semantic procedures are repeated. The accumulation, the preservation and the systematization of factual archives is an issue posed by the positivism of the XIXth century to the cultural semiotics in the XXth century (U. Eko, Y. Lotman, B. Uspensky, V. Ivanov). The answer of semiotics is the amassment of information in the field of culture to be handed down to and preserved through semioticizing models. The devise of a new metalanguage in science that relates to cognition theory is one such solution.
Vesselovsky, Lotman, cognitive systems, cognition theory, semantic formulae
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