Visual Studies is an interdisciplinary academic journal on arts, culture, and humanities. It has been published since 2017 by the University’s Faculty of Fine Arts. As of 2020, it has come out three times a year. It welcomes original articles, surveys, reviews, and short scientific papers. Besides distinguished scholars, the journal also allows for young and still inexperienced authors to share their scientific pursuits and professional observations in the following thematic fields:
• Culture and Arts;
• Art Studies;
• Theory and History of Culture;
• Fine Arts;
• Architecture;
• Literature and Philosophy;
• Aesthetics;
• Cultural Heritage.
The Editorial Board of Visual Studies aims to expand the scope of the theoretical and experimental knowledge of arts and culture, while simultaneously advocating for the observance of widely accepted ethical standards in science. In this regard, the Board follows a policy of adherence to established ethical principles and norms, which apply to all parties concerned: authors, reviewers, editors, and the publisher. The journal also includes a team of anonymous and independent reviewers. All submissions, which have successfully undergone a plagiarism check via, shall be directed for double-blind peer review. Reviewers are selected at random by the Editor-in-Chief, his/her deputies, and the scientific editor.
The Editorial Board accepts for publication only original papers that have not been submitted (for review) to other scientific editions. It works for building a new generation of scholars and researchers, who are capable to timely discover and constantly develop the creative potential of the individual. The Editor-in-Chief and his/her associates find proven scientists for reviewing the manuscripts. The members of the Board are guided by high standards while “blindly” assessing the papers submitted. They suggest for publishing papers that present in-depth analyses into classical and modern educational theories, scientifically proven innovative ideas, experimental results, and effective educational practices.
To ensure that Visual Studies reaches a broader audience and gains popularity among the international scientific community, the articles may be written in English, Bulgarian, French, German, or Russian.
The journal is open access and licensed: CC BY-NC-ND / Attribution NonCommerical-NoDerivs.
Papers should be submitted to the following email:
You are not required to pay any publication fees.
The journal is referenced and indexed in:

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