Antoaneta ANCHEVA (Prof. Dr. Habil. at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo)
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Marina Teofilova Teofilova (PhD, Assoc. Prof. at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo)
Boyka DONEVSKA (PhD, Assoc. Prof. at National Academy of Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Maciej ZDANOWICZ(PhD, Asass.Prof.
at Jan Kochanovski University, Kielce, Poland)
Editorial Board Address:
Prof. Ph.D. Antoaneta Ancheva, tel .: 00359 062 628 027, room. 376
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Veliko Tarnovo St. Cyril and St. Methodius ",
48 Nezavisimost Street, 5003 Veliko Tarnovo
a.ancheva@ts.uni-vt.bg; ancheva22@abv.bg; marisha@mail.bg
St Cyril and St Methodius University press
2, Teodossiy Tarnovski St., 5003 Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
(00359.62 / 618 295)