The Balkans

Application of the Project Method in the Study of Population and Settlements

Stela Dermendzhieva St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo,
Rositsa Vladeva

Pages: 448-456


The application of the project method in the study of population and settlements contributes to the creation of over-learning environment that motivates students to seek for information by themselves, to process and analyse geographic information, to activate their personal interest when acquiring knowledge, and helps the formation of communicative, social and subject competencies. When applying the project method in the study of population and settlements we use a system of cognitive educational methods and activities to solve certain demographic problems on the basis of self-cognitive activities and the creation of a particular educational product. The results of the project should be “tangible”, i.e. if the problem is theoretical – to propose a specific solution, if the problem is practical – to propose a concrete result. We apply the Project method as a system included in the school curriculum because: • Research topics about population and settlements are essential for the modern geographical science and it has decisive place in the school curriculum in geography and economics • The school curriculum for population and settlements is included in all classes of the education system and contributes to the realization of inner-discipline and intra-disciplinary synthesis • The school curriculum for population and settlements leads to the humanization of geographic education by updating the system of universal and national values and to the implementation of person-oriented learning process. The project activity involves particular elements of the Project Method and has an introductory character. In the 5th grade, it is related to the implementation of monitoring and study of the home settlement and writing an essay. In the 4th grade, it is transformed into the study of the life and customs of the Indians. The aim is to develop an answer to a research question: “The Indians – the Ancient Inhabitants of the Americas” and “The Empire of the Incas – Main Spaceport or the Greatest Astronomy Book?”. Substantive aspects of the Project Method in the 7th to 10th grades are varied. In the 7th grade is treated the topic “The Bulgarian Researchers in Antarctica”. The results are presented as a role play – a press conference and interviews with scientists (geologist, ornithologist, hydrologist, and climatologist). In the 8th grade, the project is aimed at exploring the cultural heritage and the establishment of ethnic diversity in the city of Shumen. Particularly, the traditions and customs of the Bulgarians, the Muslims, the Jews and the Armenians. The results are based on interviews, surveys of scientific literature, and visits to the historical museum. They are presented as a calendar of traditions and customs in the city. The project entitled “Refugees and Refugee Flows in the World” in the 9th grade aims to study the causes of current refugee flows, to study their intensity and spatial dimensions and the establishment of consequences for the countries and the refugees themselves. Students prepare papers and present cartographic images for the geographic aspects of the contemporary refugee flows. Приложение на метода на проектите при ... 449 In the 10th grade, students develop two projects. The first one is entitled “Bulgarian Communities in the World” – they have to examine the size of the Bulgarian communities in different countries and the problems of the Bulgarian immigrants there. The results are presented as presentations and discussions on “Bulgarian in Bulgaria or Foreigner Abroad?”. The second project examines employment and unemployment in the Municipality of Shumen. Students conduct interviews with officials in the Bureau of Labour, analyze statistics and develop a model for alternative employment in the municipality. Skills acquired by students in the implementation of the Project method in the study of population and settlements: “Vision of the Future “, integration of theoretical and practical knowledge, application of new technologies, development of communicative, social, and organizational skills, formation of specific abilities. The application of Project method contributes to the formation of various types of competency as communicative (to expand contacts), social (team work and performing of certain roles), and to the development of cognitive abilities in relation to specific geographical curriculum. The Project method allows the individualization and humanization of the learning process in geography and economics, the meeting of the specific needs and interests of the students, and the developing of their creative skills.


project method, system of cognitive educational methods and activities, population and settlements, self-cognitive activities, educational product


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