Epohi (Epochs) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal that has been published since 1993 by the Faculty of History of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria (hereinafter referred to as UVT). The scholarly journal mainly aims to contribute to developing knowledge in the academic fields of history, geography, and related sciences, as well as the theory and practice of education in the abovementioned academic fields.
Thematic scope of the journal: historical and geographical studies of Southeastern and Eastern Europe.
There are two issues per year, published in June and December, with published results of the scientific research, related to different important and topical problems with theoretical, analytical or empirical purpose, divided into the following rubrics: studies, articles and reports, reviews and notices. There is an opportunity for different scientific and methodological materials to be published, connected to the academic education and concerning not only history, but also the other scientific fields included in the Faculty’s profile.
The scholarly journal is open to authors who are not part of the Faculty and the University, including foreign authors. Aiming a wider academic community worldwide, the regulations of the journal allow materials to be published in Bulgarian, English, French, German, and Russian.
Although with a main purpose to contribute to developing of the historical knowledge, Epohi claims, moreover, to keep common ethical rules and criteria which we consider as obligatory for the art of history. With regard to this the editors undertake to provide a politic to keep within to the established ethical rules and criteria which apply to the concerned people: the authors, the reviewers, the editor-in-chief, the editorial staff, and the publisher.
There is a Board of anonymous and independent reviewers, too. All the papers accepted are then to pass PlagScan and after that are directed towards double-blind review, the reviewers being selected at random principle by the editor-in-chief, his deputies and the scientific redactor. The peer review period is from one to six months.
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The journal is open access.
Authors are not required to pay any publication fees.
The journal is licensed: CC BY-NC-ND/ Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
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ICI, CiteFactor, WCoSJ, Sudoc