Детското книгоиздаване В Бразилия – с модерна визия, нови серии и разнообразен репертоар

Стела Георгиева

Страници: -


The study presents the children’s book publishing in Brazil. The study also examines the literary creativity of writers for children with global relevance, goes on the trail of modern children’s book in Latin America (Brazil). The study presents activity of Ministerio da cultura, Publish News Brasil, Camara Brasileira do Livro, рublishing Pallas, Grupo Editorial Record, Mauricio de Solsa Editora, Editora Ridee, Biruta Editor. The author Stela Georgieva, PhD have included their observations and empirical experience, which is the result of creative trips across European countries for scientific research purposes. Stela Georgieva, PhD is Assistant Prof. in the University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius“ – Veliko Turnovo (Department of book publishing and library information activities). Stela Georgieva, PhD is the author of over 30 research papers and studies in scientific collections, yearbooks and journals. He is the author of the book “Media, literature, historicity“(2013); she is the author also of „Bulgarian publishing: Reader copyright texts” (2012) – co-authored with Prof. Lаchezar Georgiev and “Roads of Children’s Book” (co-authored with Prof. Lаchezar Georgiev). Stela Georgieva, PhD is a member of the e Union of scientists in Bulgaria and the Union of Bulgarian journalists.

Ключови думи:

children’s book publishing, writers for children, publishing series, illustrators of children's books, editions.


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