Pedagogical Almanac is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal which publishes academic papers in the field of education and teaching practice.
The journal is published by the Faculty of Education at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. It has been issued since 1993. It comes out twice a year.
The journal comprises the contemporary trends in pedagogy: education and educational research (theory of education, didactics), education – scientific disciplines (education management, history of pedagogy, comparative education, social education, pre-school education, primary school education, secondary school education, higher education, andragogy, sports education, art education, etc.), and special education (speech therapy studies, special needs education, inclusive education, etc.).
Pedagogical Almanac is dedicated to implementing a scientific approach in institutional practice within the system of pre-school and school education – kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, centres for individuals’ support, and specialized servicing units. It is involved with searching and creating effective technologies for teaching and life-long learning.
The international editorial board of the journal accepts for publication only original papers that have not been submitted (for review) to other academic editions. It works for building a new generation of scientists and researchers, timely capable of discovering and constantly developing the creative potential of the individual. The Editor-in-Chief and his/her associates attract proven scientists for reviewing the manuscripts. Members of the Board of anonymous and independent reviewers are guided by high standards while “blindly” assessing the submitted papers. They suggest for papers to be published that contain deep author analyses of classical and modern educational theories, scientifically proven innovative ideas, experimental results, and effective educational practices.
The journal addresses a wide spectrum of readers: scholars, PhD students, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students, teachers, and parents. It unites the efforts of everyone involved in developing modern and progressive educational policies.
Pedagogical Almanac is open access.
Authors are not required to pay any publication fees.
The journal is licensed: CC BY-NC-ND/ Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.
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