Journal Pedagogical Almanac

Guidelines for authors







Only manuscripts formatted by the journal requirements given in Section II: Formatting Standards, are to be accepted for publishing.

PhD students applying for publishing their papers have to submit a written recommendation by their academic advisor.

Each manuscript (abstract and article) is reviewed by two members of the Board of anonymous and independent reviewers. 

Authors willing to publish papers can apply via the International Editorial Board’s email address all year


1. The authors are included in the procedure of evaluating and selecting the submitted works by sending an abstract in the following terms:

– for the first issue of the journal: by 31 January;

– for the second issue: by 10 May of the current year.


2. The abstract is sent to two independent and anonymous reviewers who state their position for the importance and significance of the ideas and problems examined in the abstract and give their opinion for analyzing the finally submitted article/study within 10 days.


3. Authors who have received approval for publishing submit the full electronic versions of their article/study, accompanied by an abstract and key words in English in the following terms:

– for the first issue: by 20 February;

– for the second issue: by 1 June of the current year.


4. The independent and anonymous reviewers present a review of the submitted article/study within 14 days after the submission deadline.


5. The editors-in-chief of the current issue send to the author their editorial notes as well as the recommendations of the reviewers.


6. Edited and complied with reviewers’ recommendations articles/studies are submitted to the address of the journal both in electronic and paper copies within 20 days. The addresses are given below:

5000 Veliko Tarnovo

19 Hristo Botev St.

Faculty of Education

Pedagogical Almanac

Room 602, Vanya Raycheva, Technical Coordinator



7. The International Editorial Board sends for publishing to the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Publishing House paper and electronic versions of the articles/studies for which the author/s have two positive reviews. 




Articles/studies in the journal written in Bulgarian or other foreign language should be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in English. The publications need to be in DOC/DOCX format: Font: Times New Roman. Each author needs to prepare paper and electronic versions of his article, complying with the following general requirements: paper format: A4. Margins: left – 20 mm; right – 20 mm; up – 25 mm; down – 30 mm. Line spacing – 1.5 lines. No frames and page numbers have to be used.


The text of the scientific publication should be formatted as follows:


Title (in the language of the publication) – Font: Times New Roman; Size: 16; Font style: Bold; Effects: All Caps; Alignment: Centred; First line: 0 mm.

Names of the author(s) (proper name followed by a surname) written in full in the original language of the publication, following the title and one empty row: Font: Times New Roman; Size: 14; Font style: Bold; Effects: small All Caps; Alignment: Centred; First line: 0 mm. There is aone empty row after the names as well.

Title (in English) – Font: Times New Roman; Size: 16; Font style: Bold; Effects: All Caps; Alignment: Centred; First line: 0 mm.

Names of the author/s written in full in English, following the title and one empty row: Font: Times New Roman; Size: 14; Font style: Bold; Effects: small All Caps; Alignment: Centred; First line: 0 mm. There is one empty row after the names as well.

Abstract (in English) - Font: Times New Roman; Size: 10; Font style: normal; Effects: small All Caps, Italic, First line: 0 mm.

Keywords in English (up to six words for an article, up to ten words for a study). One empty row follows.

Text of the scientific work: Font: Times New Roman; Size: 14, Special: First line; 1.5 lines. No more than 10 pages.

The length requirements of a scientific paper: up to 10 pages for an article, up to 50 pages for a study and up to 5 pages for a report.


If there are tables in the main body of the article, their headlines have to be centred above them (Size: 13), and aggregated quantitative data to be displayed in rows/columns (Size: 11).

Graphs and figures are placed centred and their headlines are placed below (Size: 13).

Citing sources from the Internet without an author is not recommended.

If a reference to other scientific sources is needed, the author indicates this in the text of the article, using upper right index in Arabic digits. They should be separated into section Notes (Bold 12, left) after the main body of the text.

After the section Notes, and one empty row, follows the Bibliography section on the subject (Bold 12, left).

The arrangement of sources is done in alphabetical order according to the authors’ surname, with no empty rows between the entries.

The description of a source in Cyrillic letters ends with a point and the version in Latin (transliteration) is included according to the law of transliteration (State Gazette, issue 19, 13 March, 2009, modified by the State Gazette, issue 68, 2 August, 2013).



Citing references should be made in accordance with the requirements of APA (American Psychological Association).






Минчева, И. (2012). Връзките събиране – изваждане и умножение – деление в обучението по математика в началните класове. Пловдив: Астарта. // Mincheva, I. (2012). Vrazkite sabirane – izvazhdane i umnozhenie – delenie v obuchenieto po matematika v nachalnite klasove. Plovdiv: Astarta.

In-text citation: (Минчева 2012)

Page indication after a colon: (Минчева 2012: …)


Allen, P. J., K. Bennett (2007). SPSS for the health and behavioural sciences. South Melbourne, Vic: Thomson Learning.

In-text citation: (Allen, Bennett 2007).

Page indication after a colon: (Bennett 2012: …)


Articles/studies in journals and collections:


Йорданова, Д., М. Алексиева (2018). Технологичната карта в помощ на учителя при планиране на урок по литература (1.-4. клас). Международна научна конференция „Педагогическото образование – традиции и съвременност“. Сборник доклади. Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, Педагогически факултет, Велико Търново, 16 – 17.11.2018. Велико Търново: Ай анд Би (I & B), 297 – 305. // Yordanova, D., M. Aleksieva (2018)Tehnologichnata karta v pomosht na uchitelya pri planirane na urok po literatura (1.-4. klas). Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsia „Pedagogicheskoto obrazovanie – traditsii i savremennost“. Sbornik dokladi. Velikotarnovski universitet „Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, Pedagogicheski fakultet, Veliko Tarnovo, 16 – 17.11.2018. Veliko Tarnovo: I & B, 297 – 305.

Петкова, М., М. Алексиева (2019). Изследване на игровата ефективност на националния баскетболен отбор на колички. Педагогически алманах, ХХVII, 2, 286 – 292. // Petkova, M., M. Aleksieva (2019). Izsledvane na igrovata efektivnost na natsionalniya basketbolen otbor na kolichki. Pedagogicheski almanah, ХХVII, 2, 286 – 292.

Христова, Р. (2007). Интерактивни методи и педагогическо взаимодействие с децата от предучилищна възраст. Педагогически алманах, ХV, 177 – 87. // Hristova, R. (2007). Interaktivni metodi i pedagogichesko vzaimodeystvie s detsata ot preduchilishtna vazrast. Pedagogicheski almanah, XV, 1, 77 – 87.

Aleksieva, M., S. Denev (2019). Survey on adaptations of basketball for people with disabilities. Trakia Journal of Sciences, XVII, 1, 896 – 900.


If there are more than three authors, only the first one is written followed by “et al.”:

Hamidi, Fet al. (2011). Information technology in education. Procedia Computer Science, 3, 369 – 373.

In-text citation: (Hamidi et al. 2011)


If there are more publications by one author in the same year, there should be a small Latin letter next to the year:

Петрова, В. (2012b). Развитие на речта в предучилищна възраст. Велико Търново: Слово. // Petrova, V. (2012b). Razvitie na rechta v preduchilishtna vazrast. Veliko Tarnovo: Slovo.

In-text citation: (Петрова 2012b)









NOTES (if there are any).

* The notes should be used when it is highly necessary and be identified in the main body of the text as it was specified above.


The article can be published if the author:

a) has read and accepted the ethical rules of Pedagogical Almanac, and has provided a written declaration for his consent to the publication of the article – in paper and electronic version;

b) has studied and followed the formatting requirements developed by members of the International Editorial Board in accordance with the standards of the global system of referencing, indexing and evaluation adopted by the Board of the Faculty of Education;

c) has received two positive reviews from members of the Board of Anonymous and Independent Reviewers – one from an external and one from internal reviewer.

