Journal De Jure

Guidelines for authors

Guidelines for authors


All articles submitted for publication (articles, reviews, and research reports) are discussed at a meeting of the editorial board of Journal DE JURE. The materials must meet the originality requirement – i. e. not already printed and not printed in another periodical until the time of their transmission.

The materials are deposited in the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Law of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (19 Hristo Botev Str.) before April 1 for Issue 1/ September 30 for Issue 2. Two paper copies of the article, as well as a copy of an electronic form (CD or DVD) are applied. The transmission of a disk can be replaced by sending it electronically to the e-mail address of the journal (

All text should be in Microsoft Word, with numbered pages, using font Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing - 1.5. First line indent - 10 mm; distance from paragraph to next (Before and After) for the whole text - 0.

Each authoring material must be printed in duplicate, A4 format, left: 20 mm, right: 20 mm, top: 15 mm, bottom: 35 mm, Header: 12.5 mm, Footer: 12.5 mm.

The figures are centered, numbered and titled, font size - 1. The layout of the text is: "Layout: In line with text".

Tables are centered, numbered and titled. The title of the table is a font size 11, left aligned with the frame and is an integral part of it (for example, listed in the first row of the table).

On the first page you will find details of the contact with the author: e-mail and phone.

The amount of papers submitted for printing may not exceed 15 standard typing pages (A4 - 1800 characters/page)

Title of the material: in Bulgarian and translated into English with Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font, font size 16, spacing - 1.5.

The names of the author, written in Cyrillic and Latin, Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font, font size 14, spacing - 1.5. Include in footnote with index * place of work, position and scientific degree in Bulgarian and English.

Keywords in Bulgarian and English up to 10 in number.

Any material (except research reports and reviews) should be accompanied by an abstract in Bulgarian and English up to 350 words in Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing - 1.5.

The cited literature is to be drawn by the author at the end of the text, apart from the footnotes, as a complete bibliography in Bulgarian, written in Cyrillic and Latin, according to the transliteration rules.

The cited literary sources are listed in the BDS as follows:

• Books: Author's surname, initials (if there are other authors, they are enrolled with initials, followed by a family). Title of the book. Place of publication, publisher, year, pages.

• Articles from magazines: Author's surname, initials (if there are other authors, they are enrolled with initials, followed by a family name). Title of the article. Title of the magazine, year, booklet number, pages.

• Articles (reports) from collections: Author's surname, initials (if there are other authors, they are enrolled with initials, followed by a family). Title of article (report). C: Collection title. Place of publication, publisher, year, pages.

• Dictionaries: Name of the dictionary. Place of publication, publisher, year, volume.


[1] Dermendzhiev, I., D. Kostov, D. Hrusanov. Administrative Law. S., Sibi, 1999

[2] Baumann, W., B. Herberg. Papierchemikalien, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp. 305.

[3] Monchev, N.M. Quality of information resources - a scientific approach to evaluation. Science, 2000, No 2, pp. 9-14.

[4] Milcheva, K. Legal Entities as Entities of Administrative Liability under the Law on Civil Liability and Civil Liability under the Law for the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens. De jure, No. 5, 2012, pp. 13-20

[5] Grigorova, M. L., Colorful stylized tropics in the language of periodical printing. C: Sociolinguistics and Communication. S., University Edition, 1995, pp. 122-128

[6] Glossary of the Bulgarian language. S., ed. of BAS, 1975, item 1.

[7] United Nations e-Government Survey 2008. From e-Government to Connected Governance/ Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Public Administration and Development Management. New York, 2008 [on-line].