Digital Educational Technologies

Guidelines for authors


Digital Educational Technologies considers only manuscripts which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The articles are check for authenticity through the StrikePlagiarism system, then all articles are subject to a double-blind peer-review process. The Editorial Board makes all publication-related decisions based on the reviewers’ recommendations. All manuscripts should be submitted by email at or via the Online Submission system no later than 30 April (for Issue 1) and 30 September (for Issue 2) of the current year, as both *.doc/.docx and *.pdf files. The file name should contain the author’s surname and first name, i.e. Dimitrov_Ivan.docx. 

By submitting his manuscript to the specified email (or in the system), the author automatically agrees to comply with the journal's ethical norms. Any violation of them is considered a rejection of the author's cooperation with the publication in the future.

The journal does not have any article processing or submission charges for authors.


Manuscript Language

We accept manuscripts in Bulgarian, English and Russian. Texts submitted in bad Bulgarian, Russian or English will not be considered.


Manuscript Length

The acceptable article length is up to 120,000 characters, for articles up to 40,000 characters, for reviews up to 15,000 characters – including pauses between characters. There are no text formatting requirements in terms of font size.


Manuscript Structure

The manuscript should be structured in the following way:

Title of the article in Bulgarian or Russian;

Name(s) of author(s) in Bulgarian or Russian language;

Title of the article in English;

Name(s) of author(s) in English;

Abstract in English; (recommended length of the abstract – 3000 characters)

Keywords in English; (six words for an article,  ten words for studies).









NOTES (if there are any).


Graphs, tables and images should be included in the main body of the text. They should also be submitted as separate files.

Citing sources from the Internet without an author is not recommended.

Reference indicates in the text of the article, using upper right index in Arabic digits. They should be separated into section Notes after the main body of the text. After the section Notes, and one empty row, follows the Bibliography section on the subject.

Manuscripts should be submitted in Times New Roman. If other fonts are used, they must be emailed as separate files. Only Unicode fonts should be used.


Abstract and Keywords

The abstract – up to 3000 characters (including spaces) – should describe the essence of the study clearly, emphasizing the results which have been obtained. The keywords should be no more than six and should be easily recognizable. Long structures used as keywords are not recommended.


In-text Citations

Sources of in-text citations should be given in parentheses, e.g. (Ivanov 2002: 158). When quoting authors with coinciding surnames, an initial should also be given: (Ivanov, I. 2002: 158). When there are multiple publications by one author but the year of publication is the same, an index letter should be added, e.g. (Ivanov 2002a: 158), (Ivanov 2002b: 160). Footnotes must not be used for citations.


‘Works Cited’ Section

The list of works after the main body of the text should be preceded by a WORKS CITED heading and should only include quoted sources. Titles in Cyrillic, Latin, Greek and other scripts should be given in separate sections. Titles in a non-Latin script should be transliterated into a Latin script, observing the transliteration rules of the particular country. Bulgarian names and titles should be transliterated according to the Transliteration Act of the Republic of Bulgaria.





Пейчева-Форсайт 2012: Пейчева-Форсайт, Р. Състояние на интеграцията на ИКТ в българското средно училище – перспективата на изследователя. София: Университетско изадетлство „Св. Климент Охредски“. // Peycheva-Forsayt 2012: Peycheva-Forsayt, R. Sastoyanie na integratsiata na IKT v balgarskoto sredno uchilishte – perspektivata na izsledovatelya. Sofia: Universitetsko izadetlstvo „Sv. Kliment Ohredski“.

Коева, Пейчева-Форсайт, Веселинова 2004: Коева, К., Р. Пейчева-Форсайт, Р. Веселинова. Инспектиране на народната просвета: генезис, съвременни измерения, тенденции и перспективи. Пловдив: Пигмалион. // Koeva, Peycheva-Forsayt, Veselinova 2004: Koeva, K., R. Peycheva-Forsayt, R. Veselinova. Inspektirane na narodnata prosveta: genezis, savremenni izmerenia, tendentsii i perspektivi. Plovdiv: Pigmalion.


Publications in proceedings

Георгиева-Лазарова 2016: Георгиева-Лазарова, С. Смесено обучение – същност, развитие, компетенстности. – В: Учителят прави училището. В. Търново: Университетско издателство „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, 141 – 153. // Georgieva-Lazarova 2016: Georgieva-Lazarova, S. Smeseno obuchenie – sashtnost, razvitie, kompetenstnosti. – V: Uchitelyat pravi uchilishteto. V. Tarnovo: Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, 141 – 153.


Георгиева-Лазарова, Лазаров 2011: Георгиева-Лазарова, С., Л. Лазаров. Ученето чрез аудио-визуални и информационни технологии. – В: Сборник от Майски четения „Дни на науката 2011“, Велико Търново, 27 май 2011 г. В. Търново: Фабер, 323–330. // Georgieva-Lazarova, Lazarov 2011: Georgieva-Lazarova, S., L. Lazarov. Ucheneto chrez audio-vizualni i informatsionni tehnologii. – V: Sbornik ot Mayski cheteniya „Dni na naukata 2011“, Veliko Tarnovo, 27 may 2011 g. V. Tarnovo: Faber, 323–330.


Publications in periodicals

Михова 2022: Михова, М. Eдно разсъждение върху планирането на дигитален урок. – В: Педагогически алманах, бр. 2, 182 – 190. // Mihova 2022: Mihova, M. Edno razsazhdenie varhu planiraneto na digitalen urok. – V: Pedagogicheski almanah, br. 2, 182 – 190.


Grancharova 2021: Grancharova, V. Challenges To The Multimodal Transport Networks Based On Sustainable Growth In The Volume Of Containerized Cargoes. –In: Pedagogika-Pedagogy, Volume 93, Number 7, 53 – 64.

Internet sources

РБЕРечник на българския език. София: Изд. на БАН. // RBERechnik na balgarskiya ezik. Sofia: Izd. na BAN. <> [30.12.2019]


If a publication of a cited book or article in a collection or in a periodical is available in internet, it is advisable to mention this:

Лазаров, Л. 2016: Лазаров, Л. Информационна система „Е-Преподавател“. Педагогически алманах, кн. 1, 115 – 142. –


The article can be published if the author: has read and accepted the ethical rules of Digital Educational Technologies.