Годишник на Историческия факултет

За издирването на Васил Левски и следствието срещу участниците в арабаконашкия обир според нови документи от Османския архив в Истанбул

Дора Чаушева Национален музей „Васил Левски“ в гр. Карлово, България

Страници: 145-160
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/AFVU7620


On the basis of new evidence from documents, which was found in the Ottoman archives in Istanbul in 2018, this report searches for answers to questions like the following ones: Since when did the Ottoman authorities have information about the revolutionary deeds of Vasil Levski and about his leading role in the formation of the network of revolutionary committees? What physical evidence and documents of the revolutionary organization were seized by investigators? What do we know about the work of the Special Investigation Commission in Sofia, which was headed by Mazhar Pasha?On the basis of new evidence from documents, which was found in the Ottoman archives in Istanbul in 2018, this report searches for answers to questions like the following ones: Since when did the Ottoman authorities have information about the revolutionary deeds of Vasil Levski and about his leading role in the formation of the network of revolutionary committees? What physical evidence and documents of the revolutionary organization were seized by investigators? What do we know about the work of the Special Investigation Commission in Sofia, which was headed by Mazhar Pasha?

Ключови думи:

Vasil Levski, revolutionary organization, committees, Ottoman archive, new documents.


937 изтегляния от 8.2.2021 г.