Journal Publisher
ISSN: 2367-9158 (Online)
ISSN: 1310-4624 (Print)
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Journal Publisher

License: CC BY-NC-ND

Scientific magazine of the book IZDATEL ["Publisher"] is a joint edition of the of the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Turnovo and  State University of Library Studies and information technologies [SULSIT] – Sofia, and issue annually is included in the annual plan for the publishing of University Publishing House "St. St. Cyril and Methodius". Annually signed a bilateral contract between publishing university rectors and UniBIT. Funded by the two institutions.

The editorial board includes professors of the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Turnovo   (Including: Department "Book publishing and library information activities" at the Faculty of mathematics and Informatics of the Veliko Turnovo University), and the University of library studies and information technologies [SULSIT-Sofia]. Besides the Bulgarian professors, in the Editorial Board included renowned European scientists from abroad. "Publisher" shall be wrote with the participation of professors from the Department, the professional direction students and doctoral students of the two universities, writers, publishers, authors from other universities.

Wrote with participation of faculty members from the Department, the professional direction students and doctoral students of the two universities.

Scientific journal for book Publisher out of 1994. As a conceptual project – scientific journal of the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Turnovo and  State University of Library Studies and information technologies [SULSIT] – Sofia comes in four pieces per year since 2003 without interruption.

Today, the "Publisher" is a scientific magazine about the book as the main directions of writing are concentrated in the historical and contemporary research for the book, on book publishing and printig, the library information activities.

In the magazine are presented and other problems-– for the marketing and promotion of the book and periodical, on the history and theory of the media, for the modern aspects of the reader and reading. In the magazine published more articles and other materials on issues on theory, production and history of the book, bibliographic, historical and public issues. Although limited, are published and literary works (on the occasion of the events marking the anniversaries of writers and also excerpts from new books published), as well as reviews of new releases. The authors are mostly academics, scientists with interest in the book and book publishing, publishers, library and information workers, journalists, writers, students of  “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Turovo and  SULSIT– Sofia.

The headings of magazine „Izdatel“ [“Publisher”] are in different areas of the book, Publisher and book case print communication, libraries, marketing of the book, history, and modern aspects of the world and the Bulgarian book publishing, intellectual property protection, marketing and promotion of the book, children's book publishing, but also cover a wider perimeter – public communications; eBooks: Articles; Special correspondence; Global book publishers; Copyright; American book publishers; Rodoliubci [Patriots]; Printed communications; Print media; Printed communications in Bulgaria; World children's book; Bulgarian book publishing; Interview; Profiles; Prominent Bulgarian publishers; History of the publishing activity; Book publishing in Bulgaria; History of the Bulgarian book publishing; Marketing of the book; The Bulgarian Publisher; Library work; Book publishing – marketing and advertisement; Book and literature; Position; Views; Presence; Meridians; Travel writing; With Publisher in Europe and around the world; World writers; Forgotten books; The Bulgarian book; Throughout the history of Bulgarian journalism; Contemporary periodicals; The books of Bulgarian emigration; The Bulgarian book abroad; Translation Bulgarian book; Book reviews; Contribution; Projects; Public communications; Worldwide associations; Information and communication; Review; Knigopis [Brief annotations for new books and brief bibliographic reviews of new books]; Memory; Anniversary; Book and communication; Book and library; Science Forum; Innovation; Bibliographies; Bibliography of the publishing activity; Children book; Student creativity; Publishing contributions; In support of the publisher; Encyclopedic publications; New books; Premiere; New works; Publishing news; Bibliographic studies; Read again; 180 years from the birth of Lyuben Karavelov; Bibliography of Magazine Publisher; The experts present; Art illustration.

By 2015, the magazine comes out with a renewed vision and graphics with the cover sheet and box of the Editorial Board of the Bulgarian and English languages, the content here is also translated to English (it has been furnished and in issues of 2014).

The version accepts manuscripts of articles, research reports, and other materials on the topics of the magazine with the corrected and completed as dialed from the author text, bibliography and literature must be cited according to established bibliographic standards.

The annual subscription is carried out by the University Publishing House "St. Cyril and St. Methodius”. Address of the Editorial Board is presented on the last page of each book of the "Publisher" in a special box. Manuscripts and illustration material will not be returned. The editorial does not pay royalties to the authors.