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About the Present of Bulgaria (Liber Aureus) (Principles, structure, didactics)

Aleksandra Kumanova
Nikolay Vasilev

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the Bulgarian refined speech from ІХ to ХХІ c. (Universal information model) : Manual in lexicography of the academic text-writing / Comp. Epil. N. Vasilev, A. Kumanova) ; Sci. consult.: I. Pasi, S. Denchev, M. Kumanov. – Sofia : Za bukvite – O pismeneh, 2014. – 1068 (1-840; I-CCXXVIIІ) p. : ill. – (Faklonostsi ; IX). – Dictionary of personal, geographic and other names ; Index of names ; Title index ; Key words of publ. ; List of ill. to publ. ; Abbreviations. In the elaboration of the Anthology are described TWO PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES: FIRST PRINCIPLE – the conception, that the literature is a result (reflected light) in the screen of syntactic – semantic – pragmatic; SECOND PRINCIPLE – the idea, that this Anthology is an Anthology of Bulgarian refined speech, which is seeking its initial Universal Christian semantic limits; here is acting triune information code (CHRISTIAN IDEALS – FAMILY VIRTUES – ACTIVE INDIVIDUAL VALUE POSITION). The structure of the Anthology is a result of creation by its authors of original literature ermineia (explanation, admonition, description), which legitimize the presence of authors, titles and literary genres merged in a hypostasis manner in a decorated iconic aggregate of the Bulgarian refined speech. The Anthology has two parts: I. Lyrics (І-CXLV enumerated titles); ІІ. Epos (1-121 enumerated titles) (in general: 266 works). Important characteristics of Part I. Lyrics is the restructuring of the folk poetry, which follows the genres accepted in science: – COSMIC – mythic, legendary, fabulous…; – RELIGIOUS – New and Old Testament…;– SOCIAL – public, engagement, wedding, labor, heroic…; – EVERYDAY LIFE – family, ritual, love, affectionate, grievance, humorous… In the Attachments is elaborated a large reference-bibliographic apparatus, presented in the form of: – Bibliographic list of the literature on the Anthology; – Notes to the texts, indicated under NN І– ХLI; – Notes to the texts, indicated under NN ХLIІ– СХLV; – Notes to the texts, indicated under NN 1-4; – Notes, general explications and abbreviations, indicated under NN 5-77; – Dictionary of personal, geographic and other names, indicated under NN 5-77; – Notes to the publication of St. Ft. Paisiy Hilendarski – “Slavonic-Bulgarian History” – N 76; – Notes to the publication of St. Bishop Sofroniy Vrachanski – “Life and Torments of the Sinful Sofroniy” – N 77; – Notes to the texts, indicated under NN 78-121; – Index of names; – Title index; – Key words to the publications, indicated under NN І– СХLV; – Key words to the publications, indicated under NN 1-121; – List of illustrations of the publications, indicated under NN І– СХLV; – List of illustrations of the publications, indicated under NN 1-121. Included in the Attachments bibliographic data (editions and literature) emphasized on the first and the last known publication of the work. In the personal items of every author in the Attachments are given the years of birth and dead. The material in the Anthology is organized by specially made GENERAL PERIODIZATION (CHRONOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION) OF THE BULGARIAN LITERATURE FOR THE PERIOD ІХ-ХХІ c. (till 2014): І. MEDIEVAL (ІХ–ХІV c.); ІІ. PRE-RENAISSANCE (ХІV–ХVІІІ c.); ІІІ. RENAISSANCE (1762–1876); ІV. CLASSICAL (1876– 1924); V. MODERN (1924– 1942); VІ. NEW (1942– 1956); VІІ. NEWEST (1956 – …). In the Epilogue of the Anthology is presented the historiography of Bulgarian anthological thought, leading to the two main sources, reexamined and reconsidered in the new product: Anthology of Bulgarian Poesy : 2 Vols. / Eds El. Bagryana et als. – Sofia. : Balg. pisatel, 1969. (for Part I. Lyrics); Old Bulgarian Literature : 7 Vols. / Eds. B. St. Angelov et als. ; [Preface of D. Petkanova]. – Sofia. : Balg. pisatel, 1981. (for Part II. Epos). In the transcription and the comments of the texts 266 works of the Bulgarian literature from ІХ to XXІ c., encompassed in this Anthology take part 270 students in the school year 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 г. in the period from September 2012 г. to May 2013 (during school year 2013/2014 г. have been made some additions). The names of these students are presented in the Anthology (indicated after the heading: Compilation/Compiled for publication) – see: IX Student Scientific Conference of ULSIT. All data from the work on all anthologies of Bulgaria (323 students are working on 400 sources – see: IX Student Scientific Conference of ULSIT) are united with those of 400 students on Slavonic-Bulgarian History by St. Ft. Paisiy Hilendarski – see: IX Student Scientific Conference of ULSIT in the creation of the present Anthology and the electronic library ANTHOLOGICA participate during 2007– 2014 (seven) school years by 1014 students. In the contents and the indices of volumes ІV– VІІІ of IX Student Scientific Conference of ULSIT are observed the preliminaries to the present anthology work.


Golden Chrestomathy of Bulgaria – Book II. Anthology – analytic-synthetic architectonics of the Bulgarian refined speech from ІХ to ХХІ c. – universal information model – manual in lexicography of the academic text-writing – philosophical principles – literature is a result (reflected light) – screen of syntactic – semantic – pragmatic – Bulgarian refined speech – triune information code (Christian ideals – family virtues – active individual value position) – structure of the Anthology – origina


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