Societas Classica

Guidelines for authors

Submission Guidelines

for the Publication of Papers in




SOCIETAS CLASSICA is a multilingual peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes papers in Bulgarian, other Slavic and Balkan languages, English, French, German. Papers should be attached in two files, formatted as *.doc/*.docx and *.pdf, and sent directly to:



Manuscripts should contain 18,000 – 36,000 characters (equivalent to 10 – 20 standard pages, with 1,800 characters per page), including references, tables, figures, footnotes, and appendices.


FONTS and Typographic LAYOUT

The preferred font for the manuscript text is Times New Roman. If other fonts (which must be Unicode) are used, they must be submitted as separate files. Old Bulgarian texts should be written in CyrillicaBulgarian or CyrillicaBulgarian10U.

Paragraphs and footnotes must be formatted using the automatic options of Microsoft Word; no tabbing is allowed. Each new paragraph starts with a first line spacing of 1.25 pt. The indentation should be set to 0 cm for both left and right, with spacing set to 0 pt before and after the paragraph.

Graphs, illustrations, tables, and other visual elements should be included at appropriate places in the text. It is recommended that they are also presented in separate files in JPG format and in printable quality.



Manuscripts should follow the layout requirements specified below:

I. AUTHOR AND TITLE (Times New Roman 12, Alignment: Justified, Line spacing: Single)

Name and SURNAME of the author

Institution, Country

(Empty line)


Empty line (line spacing 1.5)

Name SURNAME of the author (transcribed in Latin)

Institution, country (In English)

(Empty line)

TITLE (translated into English)

Empty line (line spacing 1.5)


II. Abstract and keywords (Times New Roman 11, Italic, Alignment: Justified, Special: First line 1,25 cm, Line spacing: Single)

Abstract (600 to 900 characters; in Bulgarian/in the language of the paper)

(Empty line)

Abstract (in English)

(Empty line)

Key words (up to 6 keywords in Bulgarian/in the language of the paper)

Key words (in English)

(Empty line)


Papers written in English should have the abstract and keywords only in English. The names of the author(s) should also be written exclusively in English.


III. Main Text (Times New Roman 12, Alignment: Justified, Special: First line 1.25 cm, Line spacing: 1.5)

In the manuscript text, sources are cited in round brackets, for example: (Младенов 1979: 158/Mladenov 1979: 158). When more than one work by the same author and from the same year is cited, an index letter is added after the year, for example: (Иванов 1979a: 158/Ivanov 1979a: 158), (Иванов 1979б: 160/Ivanov 1979b: 160).


IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY (Times New Roman 12, Alignment: Justified, Special: First line 1.25 cm, Line spacing: 1.5)

The BIBLIOGRAPHY includes only sources cited in the text.

The reference list at the end of the document is entitled BIBLOIGRAPHY and includes only sources that are quoted in the text. Titles in Cyrillic, Latin, or Greek alphabets are grouped separately (without empty lines between them). Titles, written in an alphabet other than Latin should be transliterated according to the rules of transliteration of the respective country. Bulgarian names and titles should be transliterated according to the Law for Transliteration of the Republic of Bulgaria (



Еко 1993: Еко, У. Семиотика и философия на езика. София: Наука и изкуство. // Eko 1993: Eko, U. Semiotika i filosofiya na ezika. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.

Collected Works and Periodicals

Ницолова 2007: Ницолова, Р. Модализованная эвиденциальная система болгаркого языка. – В: Храковский, В. (ред.). Эвиденциальность в языках Европы и Азии. Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 107 – 197. // Nitsolova 2007: Nitsolova, R. Modalizovannaya evidentsial‘naya sistema bolgarkogo yazyka. – In: Khrakovskiy, V. (red.). Evidentsial‘nost‘ v yazykakh Evropy i Azii. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka, 107 – 197.

Dobrovol’skij, Piirainen 2005: Dobrovol‘skij, D., E. Piirainen. Cognitive Theory of Metaphor and Idiom Analysis. – In: Jezikoslovje, 6.1, 7 – 35.

Internet Sources

ЭСРЯ: Фасмер, М. Этимологический словарь русского языка. Москва: Прогресс, 1964 – 1973. // ESRYA: Fasmer, M. Etimologicheskiy slovary russkogo yazyka. Moskva: Progress, 1964 – 1973 <> [20.02.2018].


At the end of the document, authors should provide the following information: first and last name in Cyrillic, first and last name in Latin, academic titles, affiliated institution, and work email address.


The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not comply with the guidelines for submission and publication. In such cases, the board is not obliged to provide authors with written justification for its decision.