Manuscripts to be published in Societas Classica collection of papers presented on Cultures and Religions in the Balkans, the Mediterranean and the East International scientific conference should represent authors’ original research ideas and conclusions and should be published for the first time. The papers are to be published in the language in which they are presented. The deadline for submitting the manuscripts is February 15 on the year that follows the year of the Conference.
• Text: format: Rich Text Format, font type: Times New Roman, Regular, font size: 12 pt, line spacing: 1,5. We strongly advice the authors to refrain from using specific text formatting. Tabs are allowed only in connection with tables’ formatting.
• Size of the manuscript (incl. Bibliography): Up to 15 regular typescript pages or 27 000 characters (with the spacing between the words).
• Citation: The citation of the sources should be presented according to the so-called Oxford referencing style, in the text of the publication in round brackets (author’s family name and the year of publication, comma, the number of the page(s) and/or illustrations (figures), e.g. (Ignatov 2000, 2, Fig. 4; Lehtonen 2005, 61-85). A list of references titled Bibliography is given at the end of the submitted paper. The notes to the text should be inserted as footnotes on the same page.
• Illustrations: High-quality graphic images or greyscale images, marked as Images are strongly recommended. Illustrations should be scanned and send in one of the following formats – JPEG, POG, TIFF with resolution of not less than 300 dpi for photographs and 600 dpi for graphic images. All used in the body text images are also to be send along with the captions in a separate file.
• Abstract: All manuscripts should be accompanied by an Abstract written in English, containing 600 – 900 characters and up to 6 keywords. Full name of the author, the manuscript title and subtitle (if there is one) should be presented in English as well as in the language of the manuscript.
• Bibliography: The Bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order by the authors' surnames (first in Cyrillic, followed by Latin and other languages). After the reference sources in Cyrillic, a full stop is placed followed by the symbol “//”, after which the same information about the source is to be provided in Latin (through transliteration, according to the Law on Transliteration - SG 19/19/2009). The cited internet sources are to be listed at the end of the Bibliography, indicating the date on which they were available online.
(for monographs)
Шанский 1985: Н. Шанский. Фразеология современного русского языка. Москва: Высшая школа, 1985. // Shanskiy 1985: N. Shanskiy. Frazeologiya sovremennogo russkogo yazyka. Moskva: Vыsshaya shkola, 1985.
Ramadan 2008: T. Ramadan. Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation. USA: Oxford University Press, 2008
(for articles)
Владов 2011: В. Владов. Елинското училище в Търново и дейността му като финансова институция през първата половина на ХIX в. – Във: Societas Classica. В. Търново: УИ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, 2011, с. 291–297// V. Vladov. Elinskoto uchilishte v Tarnovo i deynostta mu kato finansova institutsia prez parvata polovina na ХIX v. – Vav: Societas Classica. V. Tarnovo: UI „Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, 2011, s. 291–297
Rey 2010: M. Isabel Gonzáles Rey. La parémiographie: éclosion et costitution d’une discipline à part entière. In: Paremia, 19: 2010, pp. 147-158.
The manuscripts formatted according to these Guidelines are to be send within the above specified term to the e-mail indicated for correspondence with the organizers of the conference, and should be accompanied by information on author’s present address and e-mail. The full name of the author, the title, degree and affiliation must be indicated in the first footnote of the manuscript.
Correspondence address:
St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
Faculty of Modern Sciences
Classical and Eastern Languages and Cultures Department
2 T. Tarnovski Str.
Veliko Tarnovo – 5003
E-mail: kiekconference@gmail.com