Socio-Economic Analyses is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal of a scientific and educational nature of the Faculty of Economics of the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. It has been published since 2006. Its purpose is to contribute to the scientific development in the fields of social and economic sciences, as well as related scientific research. The journal is designed for a wide range of readers – researchers, practitioners, students and all who are interested in the research issues presented in the journal. With its publications it enables active scientific exchange and discussions on a wide range of contemporary social issues related to the development of the Bulgarian and world economy, management, social sphere, tourism, etc.
Socio-Economic Analyses comes out in two issues a year and contains research results of academics, as well as a variety of articles on significant and topical issues with theoretical, analytical or empirical approach. The sections of the journal are: articles, reviews, feedback/book reviews, etc. Methodological materials addressing the problems of higher education with a focus on economics, management, social sciences and tourism can also be published in the journal.
Socio-Economic Analyses is open to authors external to the university (Bulgarian and other), whose papers correspond to the thematic focus and the accepted requirements for publication. In order to provide access to a wider range of authors and readers among the international scientific community, the status of the journal allows published materials to be in Bulgarian, English or Russian.
The main aim of Socio-Economic Analyses is to contribute to the scientific development in the fields of economic and social sciences while respecting the generally accepted ethical norms and criteria which we consider mandatory for science. In this regard, the Editorial Board of the journal follows a clear policy of adherence to established ethical principles and norms concerning the parties involved in its publication: authors, reviewers, editor-in-chief, editorial board and publisher. The periodical has a board of independent reviewers. After going through PlagScan, all submissions are subjected to double-blind peer review. Reviewers are randomly selected by the editor-in-chief according to the topical focus of the submitted research papers.
Submissions for publication are accepted at the following email address:
You can subscribe to Socio-Economic Analyses in the following ways:
personally at the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Press, Veliko Tarnovo, 2 Theodosius Tarnovo St., tel.: 0879 043 720.
by email:
The journal is open access.
Authors are not required to pay any publication fees.
The journal is licensed: CC BY-NC-ND/ Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
The journal is referenced and indexed in:

CiteFactor, ICI, Sudoc