Guidelines for authors


Standard layout of the articles in the journal Theologicon

ISSN: 2367-7856 (Print), ISSN: 2683-006X (Online)


The international yearly journal Theologicon provides platform for scholarly papers in the field of theology, philosophy and humanities in a language chosen by the author (Bulgarian, English, German, French, Greek, Russian, Serbian etc.). The papers must comply with the requirement for originality – they should not be in publication or in preparation for publication in any other periodical as of the date of their submission. All papers, which comply with the thematic profile of the journal and with the technical requirements, pass through a procedure of double blind peer review. The final decision to publish a paper is taken by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is not responsible for any mistakes made by the authors. The submitted papers of doctoral students must be accompanied by a reference written by their supervisor.

The authors submit their texts to the e-mail of the journal: cst_vt@abv.bg

The layout of the texts must comply with the following requirements:

The title of the paper, the name of the author and the place of the author’s academic affiliation must be given in the chosen language as well as in English.

The bibliography is located at the end of the text. It may contain primary sources and translations, secondary literature, subdivided in rubrics of Cyrillic, Latin and Greek alphabet.

The bibliography is succeeded by the resume of the text in English, containing the given and the family name of the author, the place of the author’s academic affiliation, a short summary of the text and key words. The authors are given copies of the journal.

The journal Theologicon has an electronic version, which is accessible in PDF on the official site of the University of Veliko Tarnovo: http://www.uni-vt.bg/bul/pages/?zid=23&page=3009

Manuscripts are submitted to the address of the journal by the deadline set by the Editorial Board. The manuscripts should be in *.doc or *.docx. The format of the manuscripts is as follows:

  • Format of the page – A4;
  • Font – Times New Roman;
  • Size of the Font – 14 pt;
  • Paragraph – 1.5;
  • Footnote – on each page. Font: Times New Roman, size 10, Normal, Justified. The footnotes are typed through the option footnote [Reference Insert] and they are at the bottom of each page.
  • Length: from 18,000 to 1,200,000 characters including footnotes, bibliography, appendixes and illustrative material (illustrations, reproductions, tables, schemes, diagrams, etc.).
  • Resume: up to 1,800 characters (1 page) in English, French or German; it must include the title of the text, the given and the family name of the author, a short summary of the text and key words.
  • Information about the author – up to 1,000 characters (15 lines) indicating the given and family name of the author, title, academic degree, a short CV and scholarly interests.


  • Citation
  • Books and monographs
  • Каприев, Г.  Максим Изповедник. Въведение в мисловната му система. Изд. „Изток-Запад”, С., 2010, 74.
  • Tollefsen, T. The Christocentric Cosmology of St. Maximus the Confessor – a Study of his Metaphysical Principles. Unipub forlag, Oslo, 1999, 20.


  • papers and communications in journals
  • Марков, С. Богопознание и дидактика (схващането за сим­волното богословие на Теофан Никейски). - Тeологикон, бр. 3, изд. Фабер, Велико Търново, 2014, 203.
  • Meyendorff, J. Christ’s  Humanity: The Paschal Mystery. – SVTQ, 1987, Vol. 31, No 1, 6.


  • papers and communication in non-periodical collections:

Джорджевич, М. Църквата и Евхаристията в богомислената философия на св. Николай Кавасила, в: Свидетелства на традицията. Изд. УИ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, Велико Търново, 2011, 173.

Paul, A. ‘The Medieval Legend of the Last Roman Emperor and Its Messianic Origin’, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 41, 1978, 1-15.  


  • sources
  • Св. Климент Римски, Две послания до коринтяните. Изд. Синодално издателство, София, 2001 (прев. от старогр. доц. д-р Д. Димитров), 121.