Visual Studies

Guidelines for authors

The layout of the text must meet the following requirements:

Maximum volume: up to 12 pages, including bibliography, footnotes and illustrative material (illustrations, reproductions, tables, charts, diagrams, notation examples, etc.).

Abstract of up to 300 words (15 lines) in one of the working languages of the journal (English, French or German), which includes the title, name, and surname of the author, short report content and keywords.

Author information up to 300 words (15 lines) including name, surname, title, degree and brief biographical reference.

Format: word-document (.doc, .docx);

Page Format: A4; Margins: Top: 2.5, Bottom: 2.5, Left: 3, Right: 2.5.

Title: font: Times New Roman, size 14, Bold, Caps Lock, no cuts, centered.

Name, surname, title and academic rank of the author: font: Times New Roman, size 12, Italic, centered.

Article text: Times New Roman, size 12, Normal, Justified, spacing 1.5.

Footnotes: font: Times New Roman, size 10, Normal, Justified. Explanatory notes are raised using the footnote option [Reference Insert]; when publishing the article in the journal, they remain on the relevant page.

Citation: the text is done by the so-called Oxford system, by referring to the quoted titles by abbreviations of titles and an indication of the place quoted in them, placed in square brackets in the text.


The design of the cited sources must meet the following requirements:

• Quoting articles from journals: (with ISSN)

Author's surname, initials;

Title of the article, Journal name, year, booklet number, pages (optional item).

It is desirable to indicate the quote page.

Example: Daughe, A. For the teacher Scharelmana, teacher. // Pedagogical review, 1909, III, vol. 2.,

pp. 70-78.


 Reports from collections: (with ISSN)

Author's surname, initials;

Title of the article;

// Collection name.

Place of issue, volume, year, series (pages - optional element).

• Non-periodical publications: (with ISBN)

Author's surname, initials.

Title of the article.

// title of the publication

Place of issue, year (pages - optional element)

Example: Angelov, C. Non-conventionalism - "yes" and "no" .// "Art and Life", jubilee collection of papers from an international scientific conference in honour of the 85th anniversary of Prof. Valentin Angelov, 2015,"St. Cyril and Methodius ", Veliko Tarnovo, 2016, p. 9-20.


• Books, monographs:

Author's surname, initials.

Title of the book.

Place of issue, year. (pages).

Example: Bozhkov, Atanas. Man and art. Part I. Sofia, 1988, p. 308.


• Textbooks, tutorials, dictionaries:

Surname of the author, Initials.

Name of textbook, dictionary, handbook (volume).

Place of issue, year.

Example-1 Author

Raychev, R. Structural Combinatorics. Sofia, 2002.

Example to three authors:

Dimchev, V. Nemtsov, D. Popov, X. Fine Art: a book for the student 7th and 8th grade. Sofia, 1995.

Example - More than three authors:

Dimchev, V. Nemtsov, D. Popov, Ch. Fine Arts: a book for pupils of grades 7 and 8. Sofia, 1995.

In inversion, the names of the first three authors must be written, while the rest are dropped with the [and others].


• Electronic source:

Resource Title.

Year. http: // ........................ ..

Date of last login


• Types of quotes:

1. Citation.

2. Citation in the text.

3. Quote the source in parentheses.

4. Citation after the text (In this form of citation, all descriptions of the cited sources are given after the main text of the book or article, it is referred to as "Literature." In the text itself, quotes are numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on. etc.).

Shaping the lists of quoted literature must meet the following requirements:

1. Numbered arrangement where the sequence of sources follows the order

quotes 1, 2, 3, etc.

2. Alphabetical arrangement.

3. Transliteration of Cyrillic sources, which is written in middle brackets.

Example: Bozhkov, Atanas. Man and art. Sofia, 1988, p. 308. [Bozhkov, Atanas. Chovekat i izkustvoto. Sofiya, 1988, p. 308.]

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