Гръцко-български просветни връзки и отношения (краят на ХVIII ­ първата половина на ХIХ век)

Владимир Владов

Страници: 115-142


The report emphases the economic, social, and cultural development of the Greek people as the main catalyst for the processes related to the New- Greek Enlightenment. The proliferation and importance of the Greek schools in Bulgaria during the Early Renaissance was based on several factors. The most important one was the lack of modern Bulgarian schools and qualified teachers able to provide better secular education. The second reason for the presence of Greek schools in Bulgarian territories is the presence of Greek municipalities and Greek clergy in certain towns e. g. Melnik, Plovdiv, Sozopol, Pomorie, Arbanasi, etc. A classic example for the role of the Greek Bishop’s institution for the development of Hellenic education is the town of Veliko Tarnovo, which, unlike the towns mentioned above, did not have a distinct Greek community. Another type of Greek schools emerged due to the influence of Bulgarian bourgeois elements in towns with purely Bulgarian population. Such were the Hellenic schools in Svishtov, Sliven, Kotel, Karlovo, etc. During the late 40ies of the 19th century the influence of Greek culture in Bulgaria declined due to the development of the Bulgarian national education and certain political vicissitudes. Since the mid-nineteenth century Greek schools operated only in the towns with concentrated Greek population and where they were supported by the Archbishops of Constantinople Patriarchate. During that period this institution conducted the doctrine of the young Greek Kingdom – the so called “Megali Idea” – which was contrary to the national ideals of the Bulgarians. The quicker origination and development of Renaissance processes in Greek society and especially the more rapid modernization of the Greek educational system determined the leading position of Greek culture on the Balkans during the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. As such it has had beneficial influence for the formation of the first generations of Bulgarian Renaissance intellectuals.

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