Балканите в учебното географско познание

Стела Дерменджиева Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България
Петя Събева

Страници: 302-313


We suggest a restructured version of teaching the information about a region which includes: 1. Profound assessment of the geographical situation with special attention towards elements as: water shed, ecological, transport-trade, ethno-confessional, military-geographical etc. 2. Tracing the historical-geographical peculiarities in the formation; main accents: qualitative and quantitative assessment of the modern borders, military-political relations with the neighbouring territories and international unions. 3. Complex socio-economic and geo-ecologic assessment of the natural resources. Leading role play the relative indexes that give an opportunity for outlining the specificity in regional and global range as well as wide use of the comparative method regarding neighbouring or typologized territories. 4. Common geo-demographic characteristic: ethno-confessional structure and relations, cultural traditions of the population, socio-economic structure and activity, modern urbanization processes, main demographic processes and priorities in the politics of the states in the region. 5. Political and administrative organization of the states – historical development of the political processes and modern division of power. 6. Analysis of the stages and peculiarities in the social-economic development, the branch and territorial economic structure with an accent on the comparative assessment of the complex (economic, social and ecological) effectivity of the separate branches and regions. 7. Regional problems in the demographic, political-geographical and economic sphere. Possible ways for their resolving and overcoming.

Ключови думи:

geography of Europe, the Balkan Peninsula and Bulgaria, geography - knowledge, skills and competence, educational process; school subject geography and economy; the syllabus geography and economy; “geographical puzzle”; geographical science; socio-cultural and geo-political processes


2259 изтегляния от 7.7.2017 г.
Изтегляния по държави
NA (1214) / Bulgaria  (740) / China  (2) / Cote D'Ivoire  (1) / Croatia  (1) / Cyprus  (1) / Europe  (24) / France  (4) / Germany  (47) / Greece  (1) / Macedonia  (1) / Portugal  (1) / Russian Federation  (7) / Serbia  (1) / Spain  (2) / Sweden  (2) / Turkey  (13) / Ukraine  (12) / United Kingdom  (45) / United States  (140)