Времето като „идеологическо алиби” в румънските политически романи от 60-те и 70-те години на ХХ век

Йоана Славчева

Страници: 431-437


The 60s and the 70s of the 20th century are an interesting period in the literary history of Romania. The period is marked by two contrary political events. The first of them is the 9th Congress of the Romanian Communist Party in 1965, which helped Romanian literature break the chains of Socialist Realism dogmas. The second event bears the seal of the so-called July Theses of Nicolae Ceauşescu from 1971, with which he marked the beginning of his Cultural Revolution, influenced by the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Cultural Revolution in North Korea. The present paper is part of a more thorough research on the Romanian novel from this period. Here I shall dwell upon the clear chronological orientation which can be found in some of the novels from this period. They are oriented to a “closed page” of Romania’s contemporary history – the Communist Regime as it was in the 50s – with the concentration camps, repressions, stern censorship, ideologization of culture at all levels – things that authors had the right to expose in their works. This orientation was a compulsory requirement for authors who wished to escape being banned by the Communist party’s censorship. Exposing facts and commenting on events from the leadership of Nicolae Ceauşescu was a taboo area which writers had no right to enter. However, some of them managed to do that using creative techniques, under the threat that their works could be banned or left unpublished.

Ключови думи:

Romanian literature, political novels, communism, censure


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