Приносът на траките за победата на елините в гръко-персийските войни 490– 449 г. пр. Хр.

Живко Жеков Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 45-54


The wars of the Persians against the Hellenes are a part of their strategic campaign for conquering the Balkan Peninsula. Initially they have secured their rear, conquering certain strategic points in Thrace. The conquered lands of the Thracians have been organized by Darius II in a separate satrapy. One of the main errors of the Persians in this initial stage is their failure to assert their authority over the Thracian tribes residing in the territories directly over the main route that the Persian army has followed. One of the main reasons for the sea logistics operations of the Persian army in their military operation, having ended at the battle for Marathon – 490 BC, is precisely the unstable authority of the Persians along the Hellas and Thrace coastal line. The campaign of Xerxes against Hellas – 480- 479 BC is one of the largest military campaigns organized during the Antiquity period. Despite the strength of the army participating, the campaign fails, mostly for lack of secure communications along the main communication line of the Persian military wars – the King’s Highway. After the crushing defeat at the Salamin Island – 480 BC, and the panic withdrawal of Xerxes the same year, the Persian authority along the Aegean coastal area is significantly diminished. The crushing defeat of the Persians in the battle at Plataea – 479 BC, proved to be catastrophic to the Persians, largely due to the lack of secure strategic base of operations, where the defeated Persian army could retreat after the battle. Lacking a secure strategic base of operation in turn is the result of the active operations of the Thracians along the communication lines of the Persians along the so-called King’s Highway. The retreating Persian armies have been subjected to constant attacks, resulting in their almost total destruction.

Ключови думи:

Thracians, Thrace, Persians, Hellenes, Greco-Persian wars, Balkan Peninsula, Aegean coastal area, Darius II, Xerxes


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