Връзката между полската конституция от 1891 г. и конституирането на сръбската държава (1804–1813 г.)

Мариана Йовевска

Страници: 123-152


In this paper the author discusses the role of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski for the establishment of the first all-Serbian institutions in 1804. The comparison between the Polish state from the time of the first Polish constitution and its amendments until 1892 and the Serbian reality explains the participation of the Russian foreign minister. The suggestion for the establishment of Praviteljstvujušæi Sovjet (Synod) was made with the purpose to legitimize the Serbian self-government in the form of a weak monarchical government in the person of Karaðorðe Petroviæ which would be accepted more easily by the Turkish party and the European reigning dynasties in Petersburg and Vienna. The suggestion that the prince of the Serbian Principality should be elected as well as the coincidence between the title of the Polish constitution and the authentic for the Serbs term for constitution necessitates more extensive research on the Polish example. The joining of the efforts of the Serbian and the Russian historians as well as of those of the Polish ones for studying the problem of the establishment of the Serbian governing institutions in the period of the First Serbian Uprising of 1804–1813 would cast more light and would reveal more details.

Ключови думи:

First Serbian Uprising (1804–1813); Serbian revolution; Praviteljstvujušæi Sovjet (Synod) = Government; skupstina = non deliberative assembly; the Serbian Princ Karaðorðe Petroviæ; Adam Jerzy Czartoryski; Stanislaw August Poniatowski; the Hause of Karageorgević (dynasty); Bozidar Grujovic (Teodor Filipovic); prota Mateja Nanadoviæ; Peter I, the Great (1672–1725); Saint Petersburg; Wallachia and Moldova; the Septinsular republic on the Ionian Islands (1800–1807)


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