General instructions for manuscripts
The manuscript should be written in grammatically sound language with no major spelling and punctual mistakes
The author’s name, affiliation and address as well as the title should be presented in English in a separate file named : Title_bio
Every manuscript must have an abstract in English with maximum length: 120 words. The maximum length for the article is 20 standard pages with normal margins.
Deadline for submissions: 01.04.
Technical Requirements
Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word or Pdf format
Font: Times New Roman, size: 14 points,
Paragraph: 1, 5 lines spacing
Manuscript length: 20 pages
Reference and citing
Quotations in text must be given with reference in brackets: author family name, year, and page. Full references are arranged at the end of the paper. References in footnotes are in Times New Roman, size: 10 points.
Example quotations:
“Quote, quote, quote, quote.” (Ivanov 2000, 35)
Examples references
Beckner, Morton. 1959. The Biological Way of Thought. New York: Columbia University Press
Cummins, Robert C. 1975. „Functional Analysis“. The Journal of Philosophy, 72 (November): 741-765
The manuscripts, that do not meet these requirements will be returned to authors for correction, until do deadline for submissions is over. After that they will not be considered for publishing.