Ethics, Science, Education

Code of Ethics


Ethics, Science, Education is committed to the highest standards in publishing ethics. The Code of Ethics is based on the basic practices of Core Practices for journal editors elaborated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).




1. Originality and Previous Publication


Ethics, Science, Education publishes only original texts that have not been published before, in Bulgarian or another language. Submitting a manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.

All manuscripts go through a plagiarism check procedure. Authors must correctly indicate all sources used and/or quotes from other authors. Publications that have influenced the determination of the nature of the work described in the manuscript should also be cited. Citing literature that is not relevant to the text proposed for publication and listing literature that is not used in the text is not encouraged. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.


2. “Blind” Peer Review


Authors are required to participate in the double-blind peer review process in which the reviewers and the author maintain anonymity. Authors shall fully cooperate and promptly respond to editors’ inquiries concerning primary data, text clarifications, or copyright. Authors must also respond to reviewers’ comments, as well as revise and resubmit their manuscript after editing and within the specified deadline.


3. Fundamental Errors in Published Works


If authors come across significant errors or inaccuracies in their own published work, it is their responsibility to immediately notify the journal’s Editorial Board or publisher and to cooperate with them to correct the errors or, if necessary, retract the article. If a third party reports that the published text contains a significant error or inaccuracy, it is the responsibility of the authors to immediately correct or withdraw the manuscript or provide the editors with evidence of the correctness of the text.


4. Publication of Experimental or Empirical Research with People


Authors must declare in writing that the subjects (or their parents/guardians in the case of children or dependents) have given their informed consent before participating in the study, in compliance with the rules of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, revised in 2013, with the 1979 Belmont Report on Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research, and with the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child.


5. Observance of Technical Requirements


When submitting their manuscripts, authors shall comply with the ethical rules and the specified technical requirements of Ethics, Science, Education.




1. Editorial Independence


The Editorial Board of Ethics, Science, Education shall only evaluate the submitted manuscripts on the basis of their scientific value (significance, scientific results, originality, clarity) and their applicability to the thematic scope of the journal.


2. Confidentiality


Editorial Board members shall not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the respective author, reviewers, potential reviewers, and the publisher, depending on the particular case.


3. Conflict of Interest


Editorial Board members shall decline to review manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships/affiliations with any of the authors. Instead, they should ask another member of the Board to work on the manuscript.




1. Peer Review Policy


Ethics, Science, Education implements a double-blind peer review procedure where reviewers and the author remain anonymous. It is the duty of reviewers to assess whether the article contains results that are clearly presented and support the conclusions, whether it contains an appropriate bibliography, and whether it makes a significant contribution to the field.


2. Confidentiality


Reviewers shall undertake to keep all the information about articles confidential and treat it as privileged.


3. Objectivity Standards


Reviews should be conducted objectively with no personal criticism of the author.


4. Deadline for Preparing Reviews


Reviewers must complete their reviews within a specified time frame. Any invited reviewer who feels unqualified to evaluate the manuscript or knows that he/she will not be able to complete the review on time should immediately notify the Editorial Board and decline the invitation, so that other reviewers can be engaged.




In the event of alleged or proven scientific contradiction, fraud, or plagiarism, the publisher shall take all necessary measures to clarify the situation in cooperation with the Editorial Board of the journal. If necessary, these may include the immediate publication of a notice, clarification, or, in the most serious cases of violations, withdrawal of the respective manuscript from the journal. Together with the Board, the publisher shall take the necessary steps to identify and prevent the publication of manuscripts containing controversial research or scientific practices. Under no circumstances should the publisher encourage such misconduct or consciously allow such a violation to take place.




1. Reporting Unethical Behaviour


Reports of established dishonest and unethical behaviour may be submitted by anyone at any time to the Editorial Board of the journal and to the publisher. Each report must be accompanied by the necessary information and evidence for initiating an investigation.


2. Verification


If sufficient information is available, the report shall be checked by the Editorial Board members. The inspection should be carried out under strict confidentiality. The gravity of the violation shall be assessed and subsequent actions shall be determined on the basis of the evidence gathered.


3. Actions to Remedy Violations


  • If it is possible to remedy the violation, the Editorial Board shall make a prescription in writing to the author to make corrections.
  • In case of more serious violations, the Editorial Board shall send information to the author about the need to withdraw the publication.
  • If a report comes after the paper has been published, an editorial shall be published in the next issue of the journal informing about bad faith.




No one may use or reproduce someone else’s work in any way without the explicit permission of the author or their representative. This applies to any reproduction of a work, whether found in print or online.