Годишник на Историческия факултет

Отново за датировката и произхода на пафтите - CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA (по повод колекция в Дуловския музей от с. Окорш, Силистренско)

Георги Атанасов
Калоян Димов

Страници: -


A collection of late medieval and early Revival finds has been stored in the museum in Dulovo, which had been found southeast of village Okorsh, municipality of Dulovo, region of Silistra. Just there in the area called „Beiska mahala” had been registered a big settlement from the Ottoman period, where probably originate findings which include 36 pafta clasps that are discussed in the article. According to the numismatic information and the dating of the other finds, the settlement can be dated in the time between XVII and the first half of XIX century. Probably it has been registered in ottoman defter dated in 1676. In the document in kaza Siilistra, is mentioned a village called Abdarrahman. The pafta clasps from the collection of the museum in Dulovo can be divided in 5 types, with their own subtypes. The first type includes small round, cup shaped pafta clasps, without ornaments. Most of the clasps have grain circle on the periphery, and they always have little sharp widening. There are no analogues from closed archaeological sites dated in the period from X to XIV century. Surely dated finds from Niculitel and Silistra are dated in the period – XVII–XVIII century. The second type are round, cup shaped pafta clasps with a stylized rosette in the center. This type has three subtypes. Most of the clasps are with grain circle on the periphery and have a little sharp widening. Surely dated finds from necropolis in Romania are from the period XVII–XVIII в. The third type are cup shaped pafta clasps with radial ornament. This type is stylized variant of the pafta clasps with rosette in the center. There are no finds dated in the period X – XVI century. The finds from the graves around the church in the village Arnautkoy (Poroishte, Bulgaria) are dated in the period XVII–XVIII в. The fourth type are with heraldic form, and they can be divided in five subtypes. According to the analogies from surely dated archaeological sites – the church in Arnautkoy and Corinth, we can assume that this type is dated in XVIII century. Subtype IVa is later – from the first half of XIX century. The fifth type are leaf-shaped pafta clasps. According to their form we can add to this type two belt applications with a shape of pafta clasps. According to some analogies from Isakcha we can date them back in XVIII–XIX century. According to the surely dated finds we came with the conclusion that until XVI century the pafta clasps are unknown type of jewery. The first appearance of pafta clasps on the Balkans and in Bulgaria, can be dated in the beginning or the mid of XVII century. One possibility is transferring traditions from Asia Minor, with resettlement of hundreds of Alevi villages in XVI–XVII century in Eastern Bulgaria.

Ключови думи:

Clasps Called Pafta, Museum of Dulovo, Revival, kaza Siilistra, Abdarrahman, Beiska mahava, Arnautköy (Poroïshte), Okorsh.


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