Годишник на Историческия факултет

Трявна в средата на XIX век

Гергана Георгиева

Страници: -


The article presents new information on the economic development of Tryavna in the 19th c. extracted from unpublished Ottoman documents. In the 19th c. Tryavna developed as one of the many Balkan (mountainous) towns characterized by intensive economic progress, which made them engines of the Bulgarian revival. Its economic advance was based on crafts related to the processing of wool, silk, wood, stone and metals. The new sources reveal details about the economy of those mountainous towns. Although their economic structure appears to be similar, the internal specialization in certain sectors is clearly evident. For example, Arbanassi was characterized by peculiar high number of soap-makers (sapuncis), while Gabrovo was dominated by the knive-makers (býçakçıs), Tryavna by the builders (dülgers), Lyaskovets by the gardeners (bahçevancis). Another feature of Tryavna’s economic development was that the settlement relied heavily on seasonal work (gurbet) due to the lack of local resources. However, gurbet was based not only on unskilled and low-paid jobs such those of orakçis and çapacýs, but also on highly skilled and well-paid crafts like those of dülgers and nakaşçis. Seasonal work, labor migrations, and (almost) permanent absence of the male population were part of the everyday life of the Balkan settlements in the 19th c.

Ключови думи:

Balkan (mountain) towns; Balkan economic development in the 19th century; crafts; construction (dülgerlık); carving/painting (nakaççýlýk); seasonal work (gurbet); labor migrations.


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