Годишник на Историческия факултет

Перперикон след Перперикон. Към историята на османското завоевание на Балканите

Николай Овчаров Национален археологически институт с музей, БАН

Страници: 83-107
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/SHHG7840


This study is a continuation of the article published in the collection of works in honour of Prof. Plamen Pavlov on the initial stage of the Ottoman invasion of the Balkans. The important city of Perperikon in the Eastern Rhodopes is given as an example. According to Khalil ben Ismail’s Manakibname, it was conquered in the early 1360s after an attack led by General Gazi Israel. Traces of a heavy siege of the fortress were identified during archaeological excavations. After conquering the fortress, the Ottomans stationed a garrison there. Remains of the typical yurt dwellings of the Ottoman warriors were also unearthed, as well as a mausoleum (türbe) where one of their prominent commanders was buried. This is the earliest monument of this type localized so far archaeologically, and the ritual burial of the war horse makes it unique. Quite a few analogous burials have been found in the necropolises of the nomadic peoples in Central Asia and the steppes of Eastern Europe. Thus, it became clear that the Ottomans had not yet abandoned their nomadic way of life, although they had converted to Islam. The Ottoman garrison remained in the fortress until the early 15th century. According to a document of 1464 (BOA, MAD 35, p. 196b), there was no need to maintain the fortress afterwards. The descendants of the first conquerors settled in the fertile lands near the Perperek Gully (the present-day Perperek River). They founded a village there bearing the Turkicized name of the old fortress, as well as a farm with the same name. They co-existed with surviving Christians for decades. Nonetheless, in the late 15th century, the Muslim village of Perperek was abandoned for unknown reasons, while the Christian villages of Karalar and Dere Mahala still existed in the early 17th century. After continuous ethnic and religious changes in the Eastern Rhodopes, Muslims settled there in the second half of that century, and the settlements have remained Muslim to the present day.

Ключови думи:

Perperikon; Eastern Rhodopes; mausoleum; nomads; Perperek; Gazi Israel; Islam; Karalar; Dere Mahala; Ottomans; Central Asia.


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