Лингвистични характеристики на устния дискурс в политическата сатира (наблюдения върху видеоблог във Фейсбук)
Медицински университет „Проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов“
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/PDKR8158
The processes of transformation and affirmation of new forms in oral communication have been very intense in the last decade. Social networks have provided a platform for sharing not only written but also audio-visual outputs. The popularity of the vlogs quickly grew, and some of their creators acquired the status of influencers. A current phenomenon on Facebook is the political satire video blog of the Bulgarian journalist, public figure and inspirer of various volunteer initiatives, Tatiana Christy. The present article analyzes some modern linguistic features of oral discourse that appear in Christy’s clips. The paths through which political satire moves from press, stage and cinema to the social network in the form of short videos are traced, exploring the establishment of new genre boundaries. The audience’s perceptual transformations are also an object of analysis.
Ключови думи:
oral communication, vlog, political satire, reception, transformation.
73 изтегляния от 10.12.2024 г.