Проблеми на устната комуникация

За преходното и устойчивото в българската разговорна реч през последните 30 години (в края на XX и началото на XXI в.) и за някои наподобяващи дублети паралелни употреби в устната комуникация

Мариета Цветкова Нов български университет, България

Страници: 42-58
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/GPNT6410


Main features of Bulgarian colloquial speech are presented in 3 groups – stable trends, doublet variants and transitional lexemes and expressions. The first group includes: verb saturation, the interference from English and neglecting of the use of the polite form and the second one – the ending -me instead of -m for one category of verbs, the polite form with agreed by gender past active participle and some uses of prepositions. In the third group are presented intensifiers and response-clichés for expressing approval, disapproval and astonishment/surprise. A survey carried out by the author illustrates how, out of the existing multitude of cliché response options, only 25% to 33% are in active use in colloquial speech. It’s demonstrated also the opposite connotation of some phrases with meaning depending on the intonation, the implicit background or some extra-linguistic factors – an indicator that oral interaction needs more comprehensive observations including a complex of factors.

Ключови думи:

doublet variants, transitional lexemes and expressions, intensifiers, response-clichés, approval, disapproval, astonishment/surprise.


69 изтегляния от 10.12.2024 г.