Търновска книжовна школа

Наблюдения върху езика на литургийното тълкувание в MSS РГАДА 88 и БОГИШИЧ 52. Глаголна система

Татяна Илиева Кирило-Методиевския начен център при БАН, България

Страници: 191-205
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/PNBG1915


The article focuses on the morphological specifics of the verbal system in the liturgical interpretation in MSS RGADA 88 and BOGISHICH 52. The linguistic analysis aims at obtaining linguistic data about the era when the works originated and about the literary school to which their author belonged. The observations have revealed that the verbal system of the language contemporary to the author of the manuscripts does not show significant changes compared to that of Old Bulgarian. The paradigm of Old Bulgarian conjugations is intact. The use of the infinitive is regular. The innovations established are of a limited number. In terms of its morphological and syntactic characteristics (sporadic dropping of adverbial -т from the present ending for the 3rd person singular; usage of the future simple tense; registration of an archaic form for the first sigmatic aorist of the verb рещи; predominance of contracted forms of the imperfect tense; preference for passive voice forms with the the particle се; transformation of personal into impersonal forms and vice versa), the translation bears the characteristic features of South Slavic literary language dating from the 14th – 15th centuries. It corresponds to the linguistic norms established probably already in the scriptoria of the monasteries on Mount Athos in the early 14th century. These norms were also adopted by the writers of the Tarnovo Literary School, and later laid down in the foundations of the Resava Literary School in Serbia. The scribe who compiled the Slavic epitome of the liturgical interpretation demonstrated considerable freedom of choice in his translation. This distinguished him from the characteristic manners of the translators belonging to the schools of Tarnovo and to the Mount Athos monasteries, who were striving to find a formal similarity to the Greek text. The specificity of the verbal system in the text discussed can be explained by the fact that it is a summary translation, as well as by the unofficial nature of the document.

Ключови думи:

South Slavic translations dating from the 15th century; historical morphology of the Bulgarian language.


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