Противоконституционност на чл. 129, ал. 6 от Данъчно – осигурителния процесуален кодекс в частта „с изключение на задължителните осигурителни вноски“
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/JJWR2856
According to the provision of Art. 129(6) of the Bulgarian Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code (TSIPC), unduly paid or collected sums, with the exception of mandatory insurance contributions, shall be returned with the legal interest for the expired period when they were paid or collected based on an act of a revenue authority. In other cases, the amounts shall be returned with the legal interest from the day on which they should have been reimbursed. This study presents arguments for the unconstitutionality of the provision of Art. 129(6) of the TSIPC in the part “with the exception of mandatory insurance contributions” due to the contradiction of this provision with Art. 4(1), Art. 6(2), Art. 7 and Art. 17(1)(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Ключови думи:
Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code; insurance; unconstitutionality.
210 изтегляния от 28.6.2024 г.