Нови правни инструменти за цифровизация на съдебното сътрудничество в Европейския съюз и на достъпа до правосъдие по трансгранични гражданскоправни, търговскоправни и наказателноправни въпроси
СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/BRJM3780
The article outlines the most important amendments and additions to the legislative framework of the European Union law on the digitisation of judicial cooperation between Member States and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial, and criminal matters. The updating of the legislation in this aspect is the result of two legal acts, Regulation 2023/2844 and Directive 2023/2843, adopted on 13 December 2023 by the European Parliament and the Council, which are analysed according to their effect on the subject matter, time, place and legal subjects. Included are the amended acts of European Union law in this area, as well as the domestic legal acts which, in accordance with the new digital challenges, are to be amended or supplemented in the process of transposition of the said Directive, in order to modernise and strengthen judicial cooperation and to ensure a fair trial for the parties in cases with a cross-border element. The progress made by the European Commission on the implementation of the technological measures foreseen in the Regulation is noted.
Ключови думи:
digitisation of judicial cooperation, e-justice, electronic access to justice in cross-border cases, electronic communication
102 изтегляния от 20.11.2024 г.