Българската държавност след Освобождението (1878) и в началото на ХХI век: сравнителен анализ

Георги Янков Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 181-195


The problem of consolidating the system of state government was as importance for the development of Bulgaria after the Liberation, as it is in the beginning of the 21st century. The analysis shows that the outstanding political wisdom of the builders of the young Bulgarian state, the historical optimism and patriotism of the society, and the demographic boom after the Liberation, contrast with the enormous deficit of a sense of statehood in the majority of the political elite, with the pessimism and nihilism, with the demographic collapse and the diminution of the activities and functions of the state after 1989. The article concludes that in the beginning of the 21st century the Bulgarian society is once again faced with the necessity of consolidating the system of state government, of increasing the institutional effectiveness of the state and its administrative capacity. In this respect the lessons of the construction of the Bulgarian state after the Liberation can be of use, especially in respect of raising the “sense of statesmanship” of the political elite.

Ключови думи:

sense of statesmanship, political elite, demographic characteristics, institutional effectiveness of the state, economic development


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