After World War II, defeated Bulgaria was left in the Soviet sphere of influence and controlled by the left coalition dominated by the Communist Party. From 1944 to 1947, the new government paid particular attention to the Bulgarian Turks to distinguish the line of the previous cabinets and to gain the support of this population, which in their social characteristics is a part of the social base of a left government. After this period a drastic change began in the policy towards the Turkish population. It was reported that tolerating and enhancing its cultural and religious characteristics led to its closure, isolation and alienation that was dangerous for the unity of the nation and of the country. The article presents this form of repression associated with the encroachment on cultural characteristics and identity of Bulgarian Turks in an attempt to modernize their lifestyle by removing the external signs of religious differences in clothing and family rituals and the emotional significance of these changes for them. All these measures have acquired sense for the Muslims as a cultural and historical boundary between their traditional lifestyle and the modern times.