Жената във властовите структури на Второто българско царство

Румяна Комсалова Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски“, България

Страници: 352-358


The Bulgarian aristocratic woman is a part of the aristocratic elite. This is determined primarily by her origin, but in some cases the aristocratic status can also be acquired through marriage with a representative of the aristocratic class. Undoubtedly greater role for the realization in the public life have the ruler’s wives and relatives. This trend is clearly outlined in the Second Bulgarian Empire, when the noble woman manifests herself in power not only by her titles and insignia, but as effective factor in government. Of course, this largely depends on the particular political situation in the country, the behavior of her husband or that one of the influential relatives, and last but not least, on her personal qualities and ambitions. Her role in the public domain can be systemized in several ways: first, through her direct participation in the management of the Bulgarian State and not to be underestimated her role of the “gray cardinal”; Secondly, in her capacity as a kind of “tool” to regulate interstate relations and thirdly, her position as a “foreign”, as a ruler in another country and the influence applied on the politics of this country towards the Bulgarian State.

Ключови думи:

Second Bulgarian Empire, the Woman in Power Structures, rulers’ mariages.


1066 изтегляния от 5.6.2018 г.
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