Историята на една история: експедициите за търсене на Парория през 1984 и 1985 г.

Милен Николов Регионалния исторически музей – град Бургас, България

Страници: 489-493


In this paper, the work of Paroria’ 1984 and Paroria’ 1985 expeditions implemented under the guidance of J. Andreev and I. Lazarov with a team of the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo is presented in an extended form. The results of it are covered in two original publications of J. Andreev, but they do not completely reflect the enormous work done by his team in 1984 and 1985. The expeditions have been implemented purposely discovery of the monasteries of St. Gregory of Sinai, the great hesychast teacher. Established in the first half of 14th c., they rapidly have become a center of attraction for monks from Bulgaria, Byzantium, Serbia, Hungary, Wallachia, Moldova. Three Bulgarian saints: St. Theodosius of Tarnovo, St. Romil of Vidin and St. Roman of Tarnovo have been trained in them. The expedition has been working on the field 28 days within two years. The villages of Zabernovo, Vizitsa, Voden, Ustrem, Brushlyan, Golyam Manastir, Gorno Yabulkovo, Dolno Yabulkovo, Golyamo Bukovo, Malko Tarnovo have been visited. Extremely valuable information about the history, archeology and ethnography of Strandzha and Sakar Mountain has been obtained. Ancient and medieval roads, fortresses, towns and villages, chapels of 18th – 19th c., caves, and many others have been described. Drafts of fortresses have been worked out, rock images of saints and Christian symbols and inscriptions have been drawn again, numerous ceramic fragments of antiquity and the Middle Ages have been drawn. The greatest part of this abundant information has not been published yet and therefore, it finds place in the present article.

Ключови думи:

Paroria, St. Gregory of Sinai, Ivan Lazarov, Jordan Andreev, Strandzha, Sakar.


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