За традицията, която трябва да продължи – фотодокументална изложба на Национален музей на образованието – Габрово по случай 60-годишния юбилей на професор доктор на науките Стела Дерменджиева
Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“
The National Museum of Education in Gabrovo has its own specifics in terms of the preserva¬tion and promotion of cultural heritage related to the history of Bulgarian education. On the occasion of Prof. Stela Dermendzhieva’s 60th anniversary, the Museum presented a photo-documentary and multimedia exhibi¬tion for the first time in the history of modern education. Through this exhibition, it provided an opportunity for citizens, teachers, and especially adolescents to learn, through direct vision, about the rich heritage in the field of geographical practices at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, so that the will of Vasil Aprilov could be fulfilled: “We live for our descendants. Let’s get started so they can finish!”
Ключови думи:
promotion; cultural heritage; modern education; photo-documentary exhibition; National Museum of Education.
766 изтегляния от 19.12.2022 г.