Какво не знаем за социалистите/комунистите в Иран?
Министерство на иновациите и растежа – София, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/BFYF8096
On the basis of research on publications and authentic documents, this article argues that the leftist ideology in Iran was introduced in the course of the systematic development of communist imperialism. It traces the historical development of the Tudeh Party as the most representative manifestation of this ideology. The author demonstrates that the relative paucity of communist ideas and actions in Iran is due to the decidedly narrow segment of society that engages with them, and to the sharp contradiction of atheistic communism to the Islamic basis of the everyday life of the majority who would engage with these ideas. The author puts emphasis on their decisive role in the survival of the Tudeh Party and on their influence on the Bolsheviks, and later on the All-Union Communist Party (b) – the KPSS and the Comintern.
Ключови думи:
Iran; Tudeh Party; USSR; Stasi; Eastern Bloc; Georgi Dimitrov; communist imperialism; Islamic Revolution.
513 изтегляния от 27.6.2023 г.