Дневник М. С. Маргулиеса – малоизученный источник по истории внешнеполитического статуса правительства юга России в белом Крыму, в 1920 г.
Московский педагогический государственный университет, Россия
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/JFIS5244
When studying the history of the Civil War in the White South of Russia in 1919–1920, it is of great importance not only to introduce new historical sources into scientific circulation, but also to pay greater attention to sources that are less known and insufficiently studied. In particular, the diary entries of M. S. Margulies, an active participant of the White Movement in the South of Russia, contain very important and diverse information about the preparation and adoption of various military and political decisions by participants of the South Russian White Movement and by politicians of foreign countries, primarily Great Britain and France. A wide range of contacts allowed Margulies to get an idea of the degree of influence of certain politicians and the military on making certain decisions regarding the governments of the White South. Especially interesting is the information related to the period of the summer–autumn of 1920, when France officially recognized the government of General Wrangel and began to provide him with the necessary military, technical, diplomatic, and humanitarian assistance.
Ключови думи:
White Movement; Civil War in Russia; France; Great Britain; Government of the South of Russia; White Crimea; M. S. Margulies; P. N. Wrangel.
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