Прояви на негативната естетическа оценка при общуване, отразени в българските фразеологизми, пословици и поговорки
Великотърновски университет "Св. св. Кирил и Методий", България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/OMFE2952
The subject of the report are phraseological units, proverbs and sayings used in conversation. They are related to the aesthetic subjective norm. A number of speech rules reveal the opposite. According to phraseology, Bulgarians feel dissatisfied with empty, needless, missing or insulting words. The reason is that 203 phraseological items have a negative connotation and rating. The aesthetic negative assessment can be measured with the help of two parameters ‒ plus and minus on the assessment scale. Idioms almost always express additional emotions which, in phraseological terms, are accompanied by stylistic notes like dialectical, slang, or literary; disapprovingly, slightingly, ironically, roughly, vulgar and mockingly. This theme interweaves with current problems ‒ how our mental pictures for good (my own) and for evil (stranger, outsider) are reflected in language and in speech.
Ключови думи:
aesthetic communication norm, negative assessment, phraseological units, sense of proportion, relevance
858 изтегляния от 18.12.2021 г.