A View of Cross-Linguistic Differences in English Language Corpora: An Inter-Language Analysis to the Target Learner
University of Korca, Albania
University of Korca, Albania
Pursuant to the fact that native English speakers differ widely from foreign English speakers in terms of communicative aspects, this study provides essential observational remarks elaborated from the researcher viewing English language acquisition from a communicative perspective. Methodologically, it attempts to relate the communicative challenges hereby referring to the ‘miscommunication occurrences’ that university students encounter in the English language learning process. The study develops with an emphasis on elaborating communication in English vocational language learning in reference corpora use. Language corpora display and furnish university students with different communicative perspectives and guide them to a variety of data-driven inquiry for certain linguistic purposes. Indeed, the flow of English language authentication elicited from corpora exploitation highlights the cross-linguistic differences that target students find difficult to comprehend in the English language learning process. English language corpora offer a range of methodological tools that enable learners to conduct any inter-language analysis to gain communicative insights in real life contexts. Throughout, the implementation of corpusbased analysis students can autonomously investigate and draw comparisons upon almost any language patterns in terms of lexical, structural or lexicon-grammatical occurrences. This permits them to contrast those cross-linguistic native-like language differences they notice in the plethora of corpora language. The final outcomes would no doubt yield in crafting the target learners’ communicative competence providing ‘in between the corpora lines’, clues for self-correction of any possible individual creation irregularities.
communication, occurrence, cross-linguistic difference, corpora, interlanguage analysis
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