The Language of Higher Education Advertising – Between Information and Attraction
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
The article examines advertising of higher education from a psycholinguistic point of view. Expressions which were most commonly used in titles of student campaigns over the past two years have been explored. Through a free associative experiment, current advertising titles from the VTU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" candidate's ad campaign were tested. By the method of the semantic differential, the relevance of the used phrases to the advertising of education was evaluated. Experimental studies have been conducted to verify to what extent the language expressions used have managed to attract and target the perception to the content of the advertising messages. The theory of frame representation of knowledge is also applied as an illustration of the process of extracting information from the mind in the form of frames and scripts already created in the memory. The aim is to show how, through methods developed in psycholinguistics, it is possible to establish principles to be used when compiling advertising slogans and titles.
аdvertising, education, frame, associations, psycholinguistics
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