Terminology in the Context of Specialized Translation
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/MOAD3604
Specialized texts present a lot of serious problems and challenges to translators. They can be both linguistic and extra-linguistic (pragmatic), i.e. arising from the differences that exist between the Source text (ST) and the Target text (TT) with regard to culture, the situational context, the established conventions and rules in terms of genre, language and style. The present paper focuses on terminology as a field of knowledge and as a translation problem. To this end, the relationship between terminology and translation is examined (Cabre 2010), the main types of translation problems according to Nord (1991)’s classification are critically discussed, laying great emphasis on terminological problems which are grouped by the author of the paper into three categories according to the conceptual structure of terms, their formal and semantic structure and their functional/pragmatic properties. The conclusion drawn points to the possibility of „moving“ beyond the two content strata of language (lexicogrammar and semantics), which implies seeking for purely lexical correspondences between individual terms in SL and TL and reaching a higher cognitive level of understanding and analysis of terminology thus arriving at better translation solutions.
specialized translation, terminology, translation problems and difficulties, terminological translation problems
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