Търновска книжовна школа

Към въпроса за словното богатство в произведенията на Патриарх Евтимий

Татяна Илиева Кирило-Методиевския начен център при БАН, България

Страници: 237-267
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/DUGL8540


The article summarises the author’s work on the excerpt of Letter N from the Glossary of Patriarch Euthymius. It presents a preliminary observation of part of the vocabulary in the writings of this 14th-century Bulgarian man of letters. The statistical structure of the Glossary is presented in summary – the letter N and the dissemination of the words beginning with N on the micro- and macro-level both in the works by this author and in the Medieval literature with a view to following the continuity of the language and influence of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition on the writers associated with the Literary School of Tarnovo. A general characteristic of the Glossary is made in relation to the grammatical and semantic category of the constituent lexemes in comparison with the word-forming tendencies in the Old Bulgarian as well as with regard to the origin and functional delimitation of words. Special attention is paid to the vocabulary which has not been lexicographically described so far, as well as to the lexis which is considered diagnostic when ascribing this precise author to a particular literary tradition.

Ключови думи:

Bulgarian diachronic lexicology, Middle Bulgarian, Vocabulary of Patriarch Euthymius


893 изтегляния от 3.8.2020 г.