Търновска книжовна школа

Семантични промени в българския език през периода IX–XIV в. (върху материал от Дионисиевия превод на Словата против аномеите от св. Йоан Златоуст)

Камен Димитров ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, България

Страници: 162-190
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/NYOX5687


The study highlights the contribution of the scholar Dionisiy Divniy to the enrichment of the lexical system and the semantics of words in the Bulgarian language. The words not attested in the classical Old Bulgarian monuments and lexemes with newly developed meanings have been extracted and analyzed from the Middle Bulgarian translation of the homilies аgainst the Anomoeans by St. John Chrysostom, translated by Dionisiy Divniy and included in the book Margarit. The study of the text is based on the earliest Bulgarian transcript of this corpus of sermons from the third quarter of the 14th century, which is considered to have been created during the lifetime of its translator. Due to the large volume of the textual material, a consequence of the important role of the Tarnovo scholar in the development of the Bulgarian lexical system, the study examines only words beginning with the letter В.

Ключови думи:

semantic changes; Old Bulgarian language; Middle Bulgarian language; Tarnovo Literary School; Dionisiy Divniy; John Chrysostom; homilies against the Anomoeans.


94 изтегляния от 13.12.2024 г.