Новооткрита архиерейска резиденция в югоизточната
част на Трапезица (XII–XIV век)
НАИМ при БАН, филиал Велико Търново, България
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54664/MJCF5577
The sector examined is situated on three adjacent ledges, on the southernmost
of which a large ensemble covering an area of 900 m2 was discovered. It
was constructed during the first half of the 13th century and existed until the fall of
Tarnovo at the end of the 14th century.
Two wings were discovered. The west wing is a chain building. The inner walls are
plastered and the floors are covered with a brick pavement. The north wing (a dining
hall) was constructed in a similar manner. Also, a large domestic furnace was uncovered,
as well as elliptical heating equipment.
The newly discovered ensemble is a contribution to the understanding of the urban
planning of the sector. Here, no traces were found of residential buildings, production
and trade structures, necropolises, etc. In this context, an urban environment was
formed here, only with large enclosed ensembles, bordering with one another and
inhabited by representatives of the eminent metropolitan aristocracy.
Ключови думи:
church; enclosed complex; dining hall; urban planning.
86 изтегляния от 14.12.2024 г.